Sunday, December 14, 2014

Scala Parallela is SOLD!

A nice surprise was waiting for me when I got home after a fortnight and a half. Josh at Urban Vintage had sold another piece of mine, Scala Parallela. This is one of my recent faves, so I was both happy and sad to see it go. Ironic, eh?

Big thanks to Josh for continuing to provide me with the opportunity to show (and sell) my steel sculpture in his amazing store.

Homage to Nicholas Roerich is still for sale (the smaller piece on the left) as are a couple of other pieces... (FYI, it's more than a dollar...)

Road Trip!

Hurtling north on Highway 550

Well, for any of you that missed me... I'm back! I'm now home from a three-week road trip for Thanksgiving. Twenty days, nearly 4,000 miles, four cities, lots of good friends and family and a TON of art. Just what the doctor ordered...

And yes, as you can see above, the light in New Mexico is NOT over hyped...

More art-related nuggets from the trip soon!